Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reflux and such

So, for over 2 weeks now Amelia has been waking up hourly at night and from naps. Well, I say waking up because she is waking Brandon and I up, I'm not sure she is actually waking up. She starts by grunting and when I (or Brandon) get in there to check on her she is twisting and turning and pumping her legs like she is just in a ton of pain. Gas drops have not helped. The only thing that helps is picking her up, and by up I mean holding her upright, not cradling her. We thought maybe she had gotten use to being held, but the other night while Brandon and I were watching a movie, I was holding her the whole time and even then she got all squirmy and highly upset, so it can't be that.
After reading things online and finding a book about milk protein allergies and GERD I am convinced that Amelia has both. We have tried Zantac, with no relief. Now on to Prilosec and a dairy free diet for mommy.

I pray that she will start feeling better. While I don't like being awake the whole night, I am really worried that she is in pain, and damaging her insides. :(

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