Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Bug's new play kitchen, all ready for her to play with!

Some of her gifts open and ready to go!

New Crayons in her stocking

All dolled up in front of the tree

Thursday, August 25, 2011

the play kitchen

We bought the cabinet for $10

Taken apart

Angela found the sink for less than $2, the knobs were free from an appliance repair shop.

Daddy playing kitchen... :)

Food and pans from IKEA

Dishes from IKEA

It's only about 50-60% done, I just wanted to show everyone the progress

Sunday, August 21, 2011

One year!

Wow! It's been a whole year (and a few weeks at this point).

Amelia walks EVERYWHERE! No more crawling. She is signing the words eat, more, baby, diaper, and all done. I think she gets Thank you confused with blowing kisses! It's so cute! She also says baby, HI!, up, hot, at (Cat).
She loves to tumble. Where ever she is and she gets the urge she puts her hands and head down and waits for someone to help her tumble over!

She's been sleeping 12-13 hours straight everynight for a few weeks also.
It's very exciting to watch her grow up!
We are weaning from breastfeeding. That is going well. She now nurses when she wakes up (which will be the next to go) and right before bed. We are weaning because Brandon and I are going on a cruise for our 5th anniversary without Amelia, and I don't want her to think that not only have we left but a sudden stop in nursing seems painful to both parties.

We had a great birthday party. There were pink pinwheels everywhere! Amelia had fun eating her chocolate cupcake and playing with all the kids!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crawling everywhere...

  Well, Amelia is now exploring the world around her... within reason of course. She's been crawling for a couple of months now and has to investigate everything. She loves cords, any kind of cord. When she sees a cord, especially a power cord to one of our computers, she goes straight for it. We tell her "No cords" and do our best to re-direct her attention to something more baby-friendly! She is pulling herself up to a stand on anything that will support her and some things that don't. The latter gets pretty 'interesting' and makes us very nervous at times. She loves to try and follow us around the house, albeit a but slower than we are, but very cute and heartening as well.
   She is learning fast. She knows what "book" means and she can also identify her mommy, daddy, mee-maw, pee-paw, granny and grandpa when asked "Where is ...". Exploring, at this point, would have to be one of her favorite hobbies. She intently watches just about anyone when they perform some new task as long as she has a good view. Amelia definitely tries to figure everything and anything out! Of course, as with most babies, when all else fails, things go in the mouth.
   Not much else to report. She's happy, and growing fast, but still not sleeping very well at night. We're working on that and hopefully we'll get this figured out. No teeth yet, but nobody's complaining. She's a good eater and I've been giving her little bits of cooked carrots which is hilarious from my point of view. She tries to"chew", sans teeth, but ends of with the piece of carrot between her cheek and gums. Then later when she's crawling around, the pieces of carrot randomly fall out leaving a trail of carrots. Maybe she's trying to attract a bunny like the one from her Easter pictures ;)
  Well, that's it for now. I'll try to post more often, but then again, I've said that before. We're ready for our trip at the end of the month, and look forward to parading Amelia around. We love her so much and we're so proud to show her off!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Caption contest... let me know the captions!

Awww, you caught me...

Legs free, check; arms free, check; now if I could just figure out how to squeeze the rest of me through I'll be FREE!!!!

No mommy, it wasn't me that added the bubbles ;)

Hey E-trade baby, you'll have to do better on those stock trades to win me over. I need someone that can afford my high fashion needs. You think looking this good is cheap?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

She's so cute!

Pretty fly for a white... girl!

Chillin' in my BVD's

OH MY GOD am I stuffed. Great dinner mommy!

This little turkey is liking the looks of that turkey!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Prilosec Day 3

Day 3 of Prilosec, so far it's looking good. Day 4 dairy free, no signs of a change.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reflux and such

So, for over 2 weeks now Amelia has been waking up hourly at night and from naps. Well, I say waking up because she is waking Brandon and I up, I'm not sure she is actually waking up. She starts by grunting and when I (or Brandon) get in there to check on her she is twisting and turning and pumping her legs like she is just in a ton of pain. Gas drops have not helped. The only thing that helps is picking her up, and by up I mean holding her upright, not cradling her. We thought maybe she had gotten use to being held, but the other night while Brandon and I were watching a movie, I was holding her the whole time and even then she got all squirmy and highly upset, so it can't be that.
After reading things online and finding a book about milk protein allergies and GERD I am convinced that Amelia has both. We have tried Zantac, with no relief. Now on to Prilosec and a dairy free diet for mommy.

I pray that she will start feeling better. While I don't like being awake the whole night, I am really worried that she is in pain, and damaging her insides. :(

Thursday, December 30, 2010