Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crawling everywhere...

  Well, Amelia is now exploring the world around her... within reason of course. She's been crawling for a couple of months now and has to investigate everything. She loves cords, any kind of cord. When she sees a cord, especially a power cord to one of our computers, she goes straight for it. We tell her "No cords" and do our best to re-direct her attention to something more baby-friendly! She is pulling herself up to a stand on anything that will support her and some things that don't. The latter gets pretty 'interesting' and makes us very nervous at times. She loves to try and follow us around the house, albeit a but slower than we are, but very cute and heartening as well.
   She is learning fast. She knows what "book" means and she can also identify her mommy, daddy, mee-maw, pee-paw, granny and grandpa when asked "Where is ...". Exploring, at this point, would have to be one of her favorite hobbies. She intently watches just about anyone when they perform some new task as long as she has a good view. Amelia definitely tries to figure everything and anything out! Of course, as with most babies, when all else fails, things go in the mouth.
   Not much else to report. She's happy, and growing fast, but still not sleeping very well at night. We're working on that and hopefully we'll get this figured out. No teeth yet, but nobody's complaining. She's a good eater and I've been giving her little bits of cooked carrots which is hilarious from my point of view. She tries to"chew", sans teeth, but ends of with the piece of carrot between her cheek and gums. Then later when she's crawling around, the pieces of carrot randomly fall out leaving a trail of carrots. Maybe she's trying to attract a bunny like the one from her Easter pictures ;)
  Well, that's it for now. I'll try to post more often, but then again, I've said that before. We're ready for our trip at the end of the month, and look forward to parading Amelia around. We love her so much and we're so proud to show her off!